Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Plus ca change et tout et tout

I think my body needs some exercise. It's trying to tell me something anyway, and it's telling me by making me feel stiff and crap after I stay put for too long. I cannot understand it: when I run, it is certainly not an exercise in mind over body or graceful form over decrepit body parts. When I exercise, I look deranged and in no way could anyone be fooled into thinking I'm doing my physical shell any good at all. My brain though, it seems to like the airing. It enjoys the opportunity to focus without interruption on podcasts or thoughts. It wants me to be out there pounding the pavement, shattering my bones.

Today has been a day of truths. I'm good at teaching people how to use the word thriving or legacy. I'm not so good at picking up the phone and getting things sorted. I want to be better and stop having the fear of failure balancing over my head. Failure is after all not so bad once you get up close and personal, and it certainly isn't a permanent state. It's just a shame that the thing I'm good at (teaching people) is not what I want to be doing on a full time basis. I think I do know what I want to be doing, but I have a more than sneaking suspicion that because of certain life decisions (hello living in Sweden!) that's not going to happen. Still, looking on the bright side, I'm not squandering my days looking at sitcoms. Oh.


Just Me said...

You know lately I have felt stiff if I sit too long as well. So I got an exercise ball to sit on. Well that and exercising more. It's not because I'm sqawndering days watching sitcoms.. Just ummm.. youtube. :P

So what is it that you would rather be doing then?
Hope you are having a good day.

Stef G said...

Hello again!
Sorry for the delay - I'm not quite on top of this blogging business.

I think I'd rather be working with communications and PR, in a busy office where I can bounce my ideas off people. Right now, I work freelance from home, interaction with other people is nil! I do have a long suffering business partner, so he gets the brunt of my babbling when we do meet up :D

Hope things are well with you!