Thursday, August 21, 2008

And I'm back - typical of me to start a new blog a mere couple of days before I'm due to go away on holiday, talk about setting yourself up for a fall.

Anyroad, some holiday pics

Can you guess where it is yet?

An excellent trip bar the last leg entailing a 13 hour delay and arrival home at 5am this morning. Naturally I went to bed considering the advanced hour, but J had some serious party to attend to in Denmark of all places, so he just about had time to have a shower and then hop on his bike to meet the ferry at 7am. He won't even be back until 2am.

Going through the holiday snaps has made me realise 2 things, a) the double chin has to go and b) I don't think I can get away without make up. Neither of these are particularly rejoiceful and have about the same effect as shopping for a new bikini (couldn't be avoided this year).


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